Muni Routle is a quiz game for testing your knowledge of the Muni network. It is inspired by Metrodle and Worldle. Muni Routle is developed by the mysterious train-loving hacker who also made Muni On the Go, an app for Muni users who already know where they are going and just want to know when they're going to get there.
How to play: The blue line represents a Muni bus or train route. Your goal is to guess which route it is. If you guess incorrectly, the route you guessed will appear in red. You can use your incorrect guesses to figure out the correct route. There's only one route per day, so check back tomorrow once you've finished today's quiz.
If you see a bug, have a feature request, or would like to contribute, you can email the creator of Muni Routle here.
The Muni Logo is a registered trademark of the San Francisco Municipal Transit Agency.